Drinks & Cocktails
Guarapo (Sugar Cane Juice)
Guarapo is fresh sugar cane juice. It has a very light flavor and is extremely refreshing on a hot day.
Cuba Libre
In a large glass pour 41/2 centilitres of Ron Blanco (white rum) Havana Club. Put some ice and coke and then squeeze juice from a green lime.
Daiquiri Frappe
Pour in a electric mixer a good quantity of mashed ice, 41/2 centilitres of Ron Blanco (Havana Club), 1/2 of green lime, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and a few drop
Hemingway Special
Ask anyone who appreciates good literature who would be in their top ten of all-time great authors and Ernest Hemingway will surely be amongst them.
Havana Special
In a cocktail mixer pour 41/2 centilitres of pineapple juice and then 41/2 centilitres of Ron Blanco (Havana Club).
In a cocktail mixer put 11/2 centilitre of a Dubonet wine, 41/2 centilitres of Ron Blanco (Havana Club).
Ron Collins
Pour in high bottle glass 1/2 teaspoon of sugar 1/2 green lime. Stir well with 3 ice cubes, 41/2 centilitres of Ron Blanco (Havana Club).